Monday, March 24, 2014

Spending a Sunday Afternoon in UP Diliman

Once in a while you need to take a break from stress and unwind. And the way I unwind is not going to the beach, road trip out of town. Those I need some planning and budgeting to do. The best unwind moments often times come from simple walks at the park or watching the sunset. It doesn't have to be that expensive.

I once tried going to UP Diliman on a Sunday afternoon. Never been to UP on Sunday; often times those were weekdays. 

The streets UP Diliman on a Sunday has transformed into a huge park. People were jogging, biking and even skating. At the sunken garden, frisbee and soccer are into action. It was also a nice place to have a picnic.

It was such a relaxing day. Just sitting and watching people pass by enjoying a clear and sunny Sunday afternoon..

1 comment:

  1. I love going to UPD too. I mainly go there for film watching and food trip but I enjoy people watching there as well. Not so much into the athletic kind of things though I would love to try running around there sometime to have some celebrity sightings! lol
